Third Reader’s Survey
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Please assist us in making the Habitat Hotline a more reader-friendly document by filling out the 4-page survey that follows below. The results from the survey will be published in early 1999. Please return this survey no later than January 8, 1999.
An "Updates" section can be found starting on page 5.
Questions pertaining to the Habitat Hotline:
1. Indicate which sections of the Habitat Hotline interest you the most:
Congressional Information |
State Issues Section |
Columbia River Information |
Updates Section |
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Clean Water Act and Wetlands |
Environmental Educational Materials |
Watershed Restoration Success Stories |
Meeting Announcements |
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Marine Habitat Topics |
Grants and Funding for Habitat Restoration |
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6.Do you think the Habitat Hotline should contain a more diverse set of viewpoints on issues, such as from the timber, mining, and grazing industries, wise use groups, etc.?
7. Have you ever taken an action (such as commenting on a rule making or calling a decision-maker) as a result of information you read in the Habitat Hotline?
8. Have you ever used the contacts listed at the end of the Hotline articles to obtain further information on an issue?
9. Please use the space below for additional comments on the contents or nature of the Habitat Hotline.
Other Questions:
10. In 1999 the National Marine Fisheries Service is supposed to make a determination on long-term management of the Snake and Columbia Basins for salmon and steelhead recovery. Do you favor removal of the four dams on the lower Snake River as a long-term solution to salmon recovery?
Yes |
No |
I don’t have enough information to make a decision |
11.Do you feel current state and federal regulations protecting fish habitat (i.e., pollution laws, forest practices, and wetlands regulations) are:
Too Strict |
About Right |
Too Lax |
Don’t Know |
No Opinion |
12.Please indicate your opinion regarding the following statement:
Habitat protection laws such as the Clean Water Act (including wetlands regulations) and the Endangered Species Act must be amended to accommodate economic growth (new houses, schools, roads).
Strongly Agree |
Strongly Disagree |
Don’t Care |
Agree |
Disagree |
13. Please indicate your opinion regarding the following statement:
Economic growth (new houses, schools, roads, factories) must take into account the protection of water quality, preservation of wetlands, and general watershed health, even if it means an increase in short term costs to tax payers.
Strongly Agree |
Strongly Disagree |
Don’t Care |
Agree |
Disagree |
14.Please indicate your opinion regarding the following statement:
We need stronger laws (in addition to what is already contained in the United States Constitution) to protect private property rights.
Strongly Agree |
Strongly Disagree |
Don’t Care |
Agree |
Disagree |
15.Please indicate your opinion regarding the following statement:
While fish habitat protection and restoration are important, without a significant reduction in the number of salmon harvesters, we will never realize salmon recovery.
Strongly Agree |
Strongly Disagree |
Don’t Care |
Agree |
Disagree |
16.Please indicate your opinion to the following statement:
As a taxpayer, I would be willing to pay the following amount of money per year that would go towards a salmon recovery fund.
$0 |
$1-10 |
$10-25 |
$25-100 |
$100+ |
17. How would describe your interest or knowledge regarding Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) appertaining to the 1996 Sustainable Fisheries Act?
I don’t know what EFH is |
Moderate interest and/or knowledge |
I am aware of EFH, but have little interest |
Very interested and/or knowledgeable |
18.Who are you?
Recreational Fisherman |
Commercial Fisherman |
Tribal Member, Government |
Concerned Citizen |
State/Federal Government |
Conservationist |
Fishing Industry—Recreational |
Environmental Group Representative |
Fishing Industry—Commercial |
Media |
Non-fishing industry |
Anonymous |
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Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
45 SE 82nd Drive, Suite 100
Gladstone, OR 97027-2522
- The 106th Congress will convene on 01/06/99. Reports are that Senate Environment and Public Works Committee chairman Senator John Chafee (R-R.I.) wants to make reauthorization of the CLEAN WATER ACT (CWA) a top priority in the new Congress. Expect CWA focus to be on non-point source pollution and wetland issues. However, according to the Water Policy Report, entrenched ideological differences within the House of Representatives could threaten any attempt to rewrite the CWA.
On other environmental issues, Environmental and Energy Weekly cites environmental and public interest groups as saying the newly elected Republican House leaders have "poor environmental track records and the outlook for environmental and renewable energy issues is far from rosy." According to Greenwire, environmentalists and congressional staff are generally "taking a wait-and-see approach" to the new Speaker of the House, Representative Bob Livingston (R-La.), and that "Congress may see ‘cleaner spending bills’ with fewer environmental riders with Livingston at the helm." Environmental and Energy Weekly also reports that Representative Livingston opposed anti-environmental riders in appropriations bills.
Also, according to Greenwire, "many sources" expect SUPERFUND reform will be "politically infeasible" in the 106th Congress, given the GOP’s smaller majority and the presidential election coming up in 2000. On 11/20/98, the Public Lands News reported that "without Newt Gingrich around to restrain western House Republicans next year [they] will probably attempt to move their own ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT reform bill."
- On 11/20/98, the Environmental Protection Agency released for PUBLIC COMMENT a strategy to reduce mercury and other priority chemicals such as dioxin and PCBs. These chemicals, known as PERSISTENT, BIOAC-CUMULATIVE AND TOXIC (PBT) POLLUTANTS, are highly toxic, can remain in the environment for generations, and can travel long distances through the air to reach land and water. Action plans for other chemicals listed in the PBT strategy will be developed during 1999. To obtain a copy of the strategy, contact the Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (7409), Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St. SW, Washington, DC 20460; telephone: (202) 260-1023; Fax: (202) 260-0178; e-mail: PPIC@epa.gov. For further technical information contact: Sam K. Sasnett, EPA Pollution Prevention Division at (202) 260-8020, e-mail: sasnett.sam@epa.gov.
- On 10/13/98, at the fifty-first annual meeting of the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, the following resolution was adopted on SNAKE RIVER Salmon and Steelhead Recovery:
The Commission recognizes the imperilment and importance of Snake River salmon and steelhead, and the importance of the 1999 Decision Point [*] in setting a course for recovery.
The Commission will work collectively to help ensure the 1999 Decision Point is not deferred and that the decision is made with the best available scientific, social, and economic information. Recovery actions must ensure a high probability of providing 2-6% smolt-to-adult survival for inriver migrants of wild Snake River salmon and steelhead stocks.
The Commission recognizes that current information indicates the natural river option is currently the best biological choice for recovery. The Commission supports continued work to clarify the biological component of the 1999 Decision Point to ensure the best possible resolution by the end of 1999.
The Commission recognizes that biology is only one component of a long-term recovery decision. Social and economic factors are also important and determine whether the decision will be politically sustainable. The Commission encourages decision makers to shift the focus of the debate to pivotal social and economic factors.
*In 1999 the National Marine Fisheries Service is supposed to make a determination on long-term management of the Snake and Columbia Basins for salmon and steelhead recovery.
- The Interior Columbia River Basin Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP) is part of a 1993 Presidential directive to develop a scientifically sound, ecosystem-based strategy for management of federal lands east of the Cascades. On 10/08/98, Secretary of the Interior BRUCE BABBITT, and Secretary of Agriculture DAN GL1CKMAN wrote to Representative George Nethercutt (R-Wash.) regarding the future plans of ICBEMP. In their letter, the Secretaries outlined future REDIRECTION of the program:
In response to Congressional concern and more than 83,000 comments received on the DEIS’s, the agencies have decided to develop a new approach for the Basin that would be analyzed in a supplemental environmental impact statement (EIS) with full public involvement. The new alternative, or alternatives, will address the limited number of issues that must be resolved at the Basin level. This approach will be less complex and less costly, while still meeting scientific standards that will ensure sound management and underpin compliance with environmental laws. Based on the data and analysis that are already available, the regional executives expect that the preparation of a supplemental EIS with improved effects analysis will delay the issuance of a record of decision by six to nine months.
The new ICBEMP approach will include basin-wide direction built around four basic components: aquatic habitat; terrestrial species habitat; landscape health; and human needs, products, and services. These components, and any other basin-level considerations, will be science-based and integrated to support restoration and maintenance objectives. Thus, ICBEMP will focus on the successful management of a limited number of landscape level issues and appropriate application of basin-wide data to individual areas. The aquatic conservation strategy will replace interim strategies such as PACFISH [*] and INFISH. The approach will attempt to guarantee adequate habitat, water quality, and long term viability for steelhead, salmon, bulltrout, cutthroat, and other species as they migrate from one administrative unit to another. The aquatic strategy will also address Basin-wide considerations that arise from Clean Water Act responsibilities.
The local land manager, coordinating with other Federal agencies, tribal and local governments, and the public, will be responsible for designing and sequencing local restoration activities within the context of the basin-wide strategies. It is our expectation that most actual management decisions will be made at the local level. We have asked that the regional executives develop a plan that can accommodate a range of funding levels so that Congress and the Administration can consider, on an annual basis, the costs and benefits of action and inaction, and set an appropriate pace for restoration and management.
The Forest Service and BLM [Bureau of Land Management] will continue to consult and conduct environmental analyses on each management activity or project that may affect endangered or threatened species or the environment under the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. Once the final EIS and decision are published, we expect to phase out the ICBEMP offices.
*PACFISH, implemented in 1995, restricts logging, road building, and cattle grazing activity in areas outside the range of the spotted owl on BLM and US Forest Service lands in Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and California. PACFISH calls for buffers of 300 feet on fish bearing streams and lakes, 150 feet on permanently flowing non-fish bearing streams. INFISH requires habitat protection measures for native fish in the Upper Columbia River Basin.
For further information on ICBEMP visit their website at http://www.icbemp.gov/ or call Andy Brunelle of the ICBEMP at (208) 334-1770, Ext. 120.
- On 10/29/98, Allan Dowd of Reuters reported that a battle is brewing over whether to end a 1972 moratorium on DRILLING FOR OIL and natural gas off Canada’s Pacific Coast. The battle began after the recent release of a geological report that said deposits in the region (especially around the Queen Charlotte Islands) may be far bigger than previously thought. Geologists have known for years there are potentially vast oil and natural gas deposits off BRITISH COLUMBIA. Chevron Canada Resources Ltd., Shell Canada Ltd., and Petro-Canada have held drilling rights in the region since the early 1970s. The pressure for oil development comes mainly from coastal business interests struggling to cope with the decline of British Columbia’s fishing, mining and timber industries. According to the article, western Canadian businesses are now looking with envy at promising oil and gas exploration now underway off Canada’s Atlantic coast.
- There is mounting evidence that farm raised ATLANTIC SALMON ARE REPRODUCING IN THE WILD on the West Coast. On 09/23/98, the Associated Press reported that juvenile Atlantic salmon were found by provincial biologists in mid-August in the Tsitika River on Vancouver Island. Also, in the Summer 1998 issue of the Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin (published by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game), an article written by National Marine Fisheries Service biologists Richard Brodeur and Morgan Busby describes the capture of an Atlantic salmon in the Bering Sea. According to the article, the specimen extends the known Pacific range westward about 595 km. Also, according to the article:
Although Atlantic salmon are believed to be genetically distinct enough not to interbreed successfully with Pacific salmon.., it is plausible that the large number of escaped fish occurring in some river systems may someday lead to the establishment of a reproductive population in the Pacific Ocean.
- On 10/19/98, the Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund announced that they had reached a settlement with the US Army Corps of Engineers and the US Environmental Protection Agency over the contested DREDGE DISPOSAL sites near the mouth of the Columbia River (see Habitat Hotline Number 31). The suit was filed in federal district court in Seattle on behalf of a coalition of fishing groups including the Columbia River Crab Fisherman’s Association, the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, and the Institute for Fisheries Resources. The federal government agreed to revoke their 1997 designation of a controversial ocean disposal site off the mouth of the COLUMBIA RIVER. Under that designation, the Corps was authorized to dump millions of cubic yards of dredge spoils on top of a productive Dungeness crab fishery. A lawsuit was filed in March 1998 by the Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund in an attempt to stop the dredge spoil disposal. According to the groups, the Corps and the EPA had violated federal environmental laws in 1997 when they decided to vastly expand two ocean dumpsites used for the disposal of sediments dredged from the Columbia River entrance channel without considering environmental impacts. One of these expanded sites covered 8 square miles of prime Dungeness crab habitat in the most heavily fished area off the mouth of the Columbia.
- In other Columbia River dredge news, the comment period on the proposed Columbia and Lower Willamette River channel deepening project has been extended until 02/05/99. The US Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to deepen the Columbia and Lower Willamette to a depth of 43 feet from its current depth of 40 feet. The $189 million project is currently scheduled to begin in October of 2001. There are currently four EPA designated dumpsites off the mouth of the Columbia River. It is estimated that the channel deepening project will result in 6.5 million cubic yards (mcy) of material for initial construction and 4.2 million mcy for channel maintenance over a 20 year period. This is in addition to the 4 mcy currently being disposed in the ocean from the mouth of the Columbia River dredging activity. The proposed dredge disposal sites for the channel deepening project are substantially larger than current disposal sites.
Crab fishermen are concerned that the proposed project will negatively impact crab resources. According to Dale Beasley of the Columbia River Crab Fishermen’s Association, "The Corps plans to dump dredge spoils across 75 square miles of ocean floor at the mouth of the Columbia River could threaten the future of crab fishing."
Copies of the 5-volume Integrated Feasibility Report for Channel Improvements and Environmental Impact Statement (Columbia & Lower Willamette River Navigation Channel) are available in city libraries along the Columbia River or by calling the Corps of Engineers number below. For further information contact Steve Stevens of the US Army Corps of Engineers at (503) 808-4768, or by e-mail at Steven.J.Stevens@usace.army.mil; or Dale Beasley, Columbia River Crab Fishermen’s Associations at (360) 642-3942.
Comments should be mailed to:
US Army Corps of Engineers
Portland District, CENWP-PE-E
ATTN: Steven J. Stevens
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon 97208-2946
- From 03/09-03/11/99 the "Third KLAMATH Basin Watershed Restoration and Research CONFERENCE" will take place in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Conference topics include History of the Klamath Watershed, Restoration and Enhancement, Water Quality, and Habitat Restoration Programs. Call for papers: abstracts for the conference are due 01/09/99. For further information contact the Klamath Basin Ecosystem Restoration Office at (541) 885-8481.
- On 10/21/98, the US Army CORPS of Engineers announced the beginning of the first phase of a two-phase STUDY OF DRAWDOWN OPTIONS FOR JOHN DAY DAM on the Columbia River. Congress has directed that the Corps limit the first phase of the John Day Drawdown Study to two options for lowering, or drawing down, the reservoir: "spillway crest" and "natural river level." They appropriated $3.3 million for the first phase of the study. In this first phase, which began 10/01/98 and is to be completed in about one year, the Corps’ Portland District will begin to identify the impacts of both options. They will evaluate biological, social, and economic benefits and costs, plus potential physical impacts of each. The second phase, if directed by Congress, would evaluate the costs, benefits and physical impacts of a wide range of alternatives, including potential physical modifications to the dam. That phase would likely include an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and related National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) coordination. Public comments are part of those processes. For further information contact Dawn M. Edwards of the Corps at (503) 808-4510.
- On 11/22/98, Farrell Kramer and Hal Spencer of the Associated Press reported that the US NAVY SPILLS in US ports came to 181,453 gallons from fiscal years 1990 to 1997. Puget Sound ports had the greatest spillage: 56,674 gallons during the eight-year period. Navy and Coast Guard data indicate that this amount accounts for 60 percent of all spills in the Sound. Another West Coast port with significant spill included the San Diego Waterfront, which counted 33,584 gallons.
- On 10/28/98, the Portland District US Corps of Engineers released an Environmental Assessment (EA) on the proposed steps that will be taken to relocate a CASPIAN TERN colony on the Columbia River before the beginning of next spring’s juvenile fish migration. In the EA, the Corps’ Portland District outlines its plans to participate with other federal agencies to relocate the Rice Island colony of Caspian terns. The agencies plan to try various methods to attract the birds to East Sand Island, at rivermile 5 in the Columbia River. According to the Corps, scientists estimate that the colony of about 10,000 nesting pairs on Rice Island, at rivermile 21-22 on the Columbia River, is consuming 6 to 25 million salmonid smolts (migrating juvenile salmon and steelhead) per year. Two populations of anadromous salmonids in the Columbia Basin are listed as "endangered" under the Endangered Species Act, five are listed as "threatened", six are "proposed to be listed" within the year, and one is under review. According to the Corps, the timing of the proposed relocation project is critical, as juvenile salmonids begin migrating downriver in April. For further information contact the Corps at (503) 808-4510.
- In November, Montana citizens passed a ballot initiative by a 53-47 percent margin BANNING CYANIDE HEAP LEACH MINING. Expect to see legislative and court challenges to the ban.
- In September, the ALASKA SEALIFE CENTER was designated by Coastal America as a Coastal Ecosystem Learning Center. The center joins only eight other such institutions in the country. West Coast Learning Centers include the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California. Coastal America is a partnership of federal agencies working to protect America’s coastal resources. The designation highlights the Center’s education achievements while reinforcing the commitment to public education and support of the marine environment. The Alaska SeaLife Center, located in Seward, is dedicated to understanding and maintaining the integrity of the marine ecosystem of Alaska through research, rehabilitation, and public education. For further information call (907) 224-6300 or 1-800-224-2525; or visit their website at http://www.alaskasealife.org/.
- On 11/24/98, Yereth Rosen of Reuters reported that a panel of federal and state officials bought 41,750 acres on northern Afognak Island in Alaska’s Kodiak Archipelago to protect the area from logging and help its ecosystem recover from the EXXON VALDEZ OIL SPILL. The $70.5 million Afognak deal was the most expensive land acquisition made by the Exxon Valdez Trustee Council. The six-member panel administers the $900 million that Exxon has pledged to pay over a decade to settle federal and state government civil claims filed against the corporation for the 1989 oil spill. Including completed purchases, pending purchases and the Afognak and Kenai River deals, the Trustee Council plans to buy or acquire protective easements for about 650,000 coastline acres. The 11 million-gallon Exxon Valdez oil spill was the worst tanker disaster in US waters.
- On 11/25/98, the Skokomish Indian Tribe filed a claim with the United States Department of Justice seeking $5.7 billion for ECONOMIC DAMAGES (including salmon losses) caused by the United State’s failure to regulate the City of Tacoma’s CUSHMAN HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT (see Habitat Hotline Number 38). According to Tribal Chairman Gordon James, "For more than 70 years the United States has refused to do its legal duty to protect the Tribe and general public from reckless, unregulated damage by Tacoma’s Cushman Project. It is time for the US to repair the damage." For further information contact Victor Martino of the Skokomish Tribe at (206) 842-5386.
- The conservation group People For Puget Sound (as well as many others) continue to call FOR MANDATORY TUG ESCORTS for all oil tankers entering the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The fear is that if a boat were to lose power in or near the straits, rescue vessels could not get to it in time (the nearest rescue tugs are located in Port Angeles), thus threatening the productive nearshore water of Washington’s Coast, including the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. On 11/20/98, People For Puget Sound’s Executive Director Kathy Fletcher said:
The shipping and oil industries and their friends in the Coast Guard have stalled the issue of additional tug resources, but, enough is enough. People all around the Sound and the Straits cheered, when Vice President Gore promised [in 09/98] tugs before winter, but, announcing more studies without dealing with the immediate threat of an oil spill simply defies common sense. There are lots of ways to solve this problem but what we need is the will and the leadership to do it. The President could issue an executive order. Or the Navy could station a rescue vessel at the mouth of the Strait. I trust that the Vice President will keep his promise.
For further information contact People for Puget Sound at (206) 382-7007
- On 11/20/98, Governor Gary Locke’s office, on behalf of the Joint Natural Resources Cabinet, updated their "Extinction is Not an Option" salmon recovery strategy (See Habitat Hotline Number 39). Below are upcoming key dates:
Mid-December—The Governor’s office typically releases the proposed state budget and executive-request legislation the third week in December. Budget and legislative priorities for salmon recovery will be announced at this time.
Mid-January—Release of complete draft Statewide Salmon Recovery, Strategy to Legislature and the public.
Spring 1999—Next spring, when a state budget and salmon-related legislation are approved, the Statewide Salmon Recovery Strategy will be further refined. The goal is to submit a comprehensive draft salmon recovery strategy to the National Marine Fisheries Service next summer.
For a copy of the draft strategy and for further information contact Sandi Snell of the Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office at (360) 902-2229. A copy of the draft strategy can also be accessed on the Internet at http://www.wa.gov/esa/.
- Comments on proposed changes for processing water rights in the WALLA WALLA BASIN are due by 12/18/98. The proposed amendment to the existing water management rule would allow the Washington Department of Ecology (WADOE) to process some water right changes or transfer applications ahead of others. For further information contact Bill Neve at WADOE at (509) 527-4546; or visit their website at http://www.wa.gov/ ecology/.
- The US Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced they are accepting RESTORATION PROJECT PROPOSALS for the OREGON "PARTNERS FOR FISH AND WILDLIFE" PROGRAM. Projects must be located on private or non-federal lands within the boundaries of the State of Oregon, excluding Baker, Klamath, Malheur, Union, and Wallowa Counties. Please contact Peggy Guillory in Boise, Idaho at (208) 378-5098 for potential projects located in the Snake River Basin and Curt Mullis in Klamath Falls at (541) 885-8481 for Klamath County. Eligible habitat types for funding include wetland, riparian, and instream with associated upland habitats. If you have any questions or want an application form, please call Maureen Smith at (503) 231-6179. All proposal packages are to be postmarked no later than February 19, 1999. Send to:
US Fish and Wildlife Service
c/o Maureen Smith
2600 SE 98th Avenue, Suite 100
Portland, Oregon 97266
- On 11/20/98, the Environmental Protection Agency announced the following:
[The] SMURFIT Newsprint Corp. of Sweet Home, Ore., pleaded GUILTY on Nov. 10, to violating the Clean Water Act and was sentenced by the US District Court for the District of Oregon in Portland to pay a $50,000 fine. The court also ordered the defendant to provide $7,500 to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and $7,500 to the Western States Hazardous Waste Project. Smurfit manufactures exterior siding at the Sweet Home facility. The company admitted that in March 1995 it discharged industrial wastewater containing phenol and formaldehyde into Cotton Creek, which is a tributary of the Santiam River. Not only was the discharge potentially harmful to fish and other aquatic life, but it also caused the nearby city of Albany, Ore., to temporarily suspend the use of the Santiam River as a primary source of drinking water. The case was investigated by EPA’s Criminal Investigation Division, the FBI, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and the Oregon State Police.
- On 11/6/98, the Oregon Water Resources Commission canceled the Grant Pass Irrigation District’s (GPID) Rogue River water right permit. The action cancels one-third of the water the GPID takes from the Rogue River (effective 10/15/99). The action was a result of the GPID’s lack of progress towards removing SAVAGE RAPIDS DAM, which has been implicated in killing thousands of salmon and steelhead annually. The GPID has said it will continue to fight for dam retention in the state legislature and in the courts. In related news, on 11/11/98, the GPID patrons voted in board members who are reportedly dam retention proponents.
- On 10/28/98, the groups American Lands and Oregon Natural Resources Council reported that the Lake Oswego City Council voted to seek support of Oregon’s Congressional delegation in establishing new protections for the CLACKAMAS RIVER WATERSHED. The Clackamas Watershed, the source of Lake Oswego’s water, is the site of controversial timber sales in the Mt. Hood National Forest.
- On 11/03/98, Oregon voters crushed MEASURE 64, a ballot initiative that would have prohibited many present timber harvest practices including clear-cut logging. The (unofficial) final vote was Yes: 208,499 (19%); No: 878,267 (81%).
- On 11/29/98, the Associated Press reported that Southern California Edison wants to dump rocks or pieces of concrete on the ocean floor to help create an artificial kelp reef, replacing the natural one that was destroyed by the San Onofre nuclear plant.
On 04/09/97, the California Coastal Commission ruled that the electric utility company must complete mitigation projects (wetlands restoration, construction of a 150-acre kelp reef offshore, fish hatchery construction) to offset the impacts of its San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. According to the Associated Press, Edison officials believe that rocks or concrete dumped a half-mile off the coast of San Clemente would provide a place for kelp, crustaceans and other sea life to latch on to. The hope is that kelp spores floating in seawater will begin growing on the rocks without human intervention, eventually forming kelp forests found in near-shore waters. Details of Edison’s kelp restoration plans are scheduled to be released Dec. 10.
- On 11/25/98, the Associated Press reported that a new study indicates that FISHING AND BOATING contribute more than $1 BILLION a year to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region. The study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley found that in 1995 delta fishing generated $746 million in the region, while boating generated $418 million. The figures included money spent on such things as gas, boating, fishing equipment and food.
- On 11/14/98, the Associated Press reported that the environmental group San Diego BayKeeper filed a $549 million federal LAWSUIT against the City of Los Angeles on 11/09/98, claiming aging pipes are leaking sewage and turning SANTA MONICA BAY into a giant "toilet bowl." According to the article, in its lawsuit alleging violations of the federal Clean Water Act, San Diego BayKeeper charges that nearly 1,000 spills have sent 50 million gallons of raw sewage down city storm drains in the past five years. The $549 million figure was based on penalties of $25,000 per violation, per day. The lawsuit lists 1,000 actual sewer violations derived from the Bureau of Sanitation’s own monitoring reports. BayKeeper wants the city to repair the entire sewer system within 10 years so no raw sewage winds up in storm drains. The city plans on spending $1.2 billion in pipeline improvements over the next 10 years. However, BayKeeper Board Member Terry Tamminen estimated a $2 billion cost to repair the entire pipeline system. For further information contact San Diego BayKeeper at (619) 299-4484.
- On 03/17-19/99, the San Francisco Estuary Project will host "The Fourth Biennial State of the ESTUARY CONFERENCE" at St. Mary’s Conference Center in San Francisco. The conference provides a biennial assessment of the ecological health of the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary. Organizers say that the conference will bring the latest information about the Estuary’s changing watersheds, impacts from major stressors, recovery programs for species and habitats, plus take a look at emerging issues. A poster session will offer an opportunity to talk informally with those involved in current research and restoration activities. For further information call (510) 622-2465.
- On 11/10/98, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) suspended the conditional timber operating license of the Pacific Lumber Company because of continued environmental violations of the state’s forest practice rules. Said CDF director Richard Wilson about the 11/10 suspension:
This decision is not an easy one to make, considering the effects on employees, but we simply cannot allow these violations to continue. Although we are aware of the potential economic impact of this decision, our primary objective must be to enforce the rules which protect our environment, along with the economy.
Pacific Lumber is at the center of a decade-long fight to save a grove of virgin old-growth redwood trees called Headwaters. The state and federal government are trying to complete a deal by March 1999 that would give Pacific Lumber $480 million in exchange for the government gaining title to 9,500 acres, including Headwaters. As part of that deal, Pacific Lumber also would gain permission to harm endangered salmon and seabirds in the course of its logging.
- The GUADALUPE RIVER flows through the City of San Jose and into the South San Francisco Bay. The river supports runs of steelhead (listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act) and fall chinook salmon (proposed to be listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act). The run of chinook, which in some years number in the hundreds, spawn in reaches which are in the middle of downtown San Jose. Some have also been found spawning south of downtown. The downtown river reach however, has the cooler and deeper water and has been populated with greater numbers of spawning chinook.
The Guadalupe’s urban chinook and steelhead have been threatened by a flood control project and construction of a city park by the US Army Corps of Engineers/Santa Clara Valley Water District (See Habitat Hotline Number 26). According to the City of San Jose, the Corps of Engineers’ Guadalupe River Flood Control project is essential to the elimination of a critical flood threat that exists in the downtown area of San Jose and fulfill a need for open space and recreational areas. Work done in the initial phases of this project destroyed spawning and rearing habitat for chinook salmon.
However, recently the fish got some GOOD NEWS when a new design for the flood control project was unveiled which will help preserve remaining fish habitat in the river. The plan calls for construction of a half-mile long tunnel as a flood control device. By constructing the tunnel, plans to widen the river and remove trees and brush in the riparian area were scrapped, as well as plans to line the river’s bottom and banks with concrete. Leading the way to protect the Guadalupe’s salmon habitat has been the Guadalupe Coyote Resource Conservation District (GRCD). The GRCD has been pressuring the Corps to ensure that the project be conducted in a more fish-friendly manner. In July 1996, the Natural Heritage Institute, on behalf of the GRCD, filed a complaint against the Santa Clara Valley Water District with the State Water Resources Control Board. Nancy Bernardi, one of the directors of the GRCD, said that everyone is pleased with what has happened with the revised flood control plan.
- On 11/13/98, Peter Lardner of Reuters reported that scientists at the Buenos Aires climate talks said GLOBAL WARMING is killing the world’s CORAL REEFS, and with them the swarming sea life they shelter and support. Vast expanses of reef have been destroyed by abnormally high 1998 sea-surface temperatures, specialists from the United States and Canada told the United Nations summit. "More corals have died from heat stroke this year than have died from all other human causes to date,’’ said Thomas Goreau, President of the Global Coral Reef Alliance. According to the article, satellites measuring the surface temperature of the Earth’s oceans have tracked a steady rise since 1982. Warmer seas have led many corals to turn white ("bleach") as the algae that feed and color them are driven out and die.
- On 11/ 26/98, Michael Perry of Reuters wrote that scientists meeting in Townsville near Australia’s Great Barrier Reef said further SEA TEMPERATURE RISES PREDICTED over the next 50 years poses a serious THREAT to the world’s fragile CORAL REEF ecosystems. "Global coral bleaching and die-off was unprecedented in 1998 in geographic extent, depth and severity," said the International Coral Reef Initiative, a grouping of scientists and marine park managers. Also, said the scientists, the only major reef region spared from coral bleaching appears to be the central Pacific. The international marine scientists warned that the unprecedented coral bleaching in 1998 would not only have a negative impact on fragile marine environments, but would also have a negative economic and social impacts.
- On 11/27/98, the Worldwatch Institute announced that with one month remaining, 1998 has already set a new record for economic losses from WEATHER-RELATED DISASTERS. According to preliminary estimates by the Worldwatch Institute, storms, floods, droughts, and fires caused at least $89 billion in economic losses during the first eleven months of the year (see graph below). The 1998 preliminary total represents a 48 percent increase over the previous record of $60 billion in 1996—and far exceeds the $55 billion in losses for the entire decade of the 1980s.
According to Worldwatch, from China to Central America, the evidence is now clear that some of the most damaging weather-related events of 1998 were "unnatural" disasters. Deforestation has left many steep hillsides bare, causing rainfall to run quickly into rivers rather than being absorbed, and often leading to devastating landslides and floods. At the same time, growing population pressures have led many people to settle on vulnerable flood plains and hillsides. While meteorologists connect some of the 1998 disasters to El Niño and its aftermath, no previous El Niño has resulted in such devastating consequences. The need for healthy ecosystems is further underscored by the accelerated climate change projected by scientists in the coming decades, due to the failure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is likely to lead to more severe storms, floods, and droughts in many regions. Munich Re, one of the world’s leading insurance companies, issued a report in late 1998 suggesting that in the years ahead, large areas of the world, including the southeastern United States and Indonesia, may become virtually uninsurable. For further information contact the Worldwatch Institute at (202) 452-1992 or visit their website at www.worldwatch.org.
"Economic Losses from Weather-Related Natural Disaster Worldwide, 1980-98". Note: 1998 is preliminary, based on 11 months. (Source: Worldwatch web site: http://www. worldwatch.org/alerts/981127a.html)
- On 11/05/98, Oregon State climatologist George Taylor, said that the "If there’s a fight going on, La Niña’s winning." An analysis of October data from NASA’s TOPEX-Poseidon satellite shows that the sea across the tropical Pacific has remained the same since June, when warm El Niño waters gave way to much cooler La Niña conditions in the tropical Pacific, said Taylor, a faculty member in OSU’s College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences. Scientists studying the satellite images and other data are unsure whether the conditions are now ripe for this year’s La Niña, so far a moderate one, to mature into a truly strong LA NIÑA. If, as Taylor expects, the moderate La Niña conditions continue, the coming winter is likely to be much wetter and somewhat cooler than average, with the wettest weather coming through December and the coldest weather hitting the Northwest in early 1999. There is also a good chance for significant low-level snow this winter, including the Willamette Valley, he said. "In the Northwest, moderate La Niñas usually produce cool, very wet winters, while strong La Niñas yield somewhat wet, but very cold winters," Taylor said. "Remember the flood years of 1995-96 and 1996-97?" Forecasters at the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center in Washington, DC agree with Taylor. Weather service forecasters are now stating in their long-range forecast with "90 percent certainty" that moderate to strong La Niña conditions will develop through the end of the year and into February.
- On 11/09/98, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center said that further development of cold episode conditions is likely, as negative subsurface temperature anomalies and shallower than normal oceanic thermocline continue to dominate the equatorial Pacific. The latest NCEP coupled model predictions indicate that cold episode conditions in the tropical Pacific will continue through May 1999.
- On 11/03/98, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the start of a RESTORATION PROJECT to improve the habitat for native salmon populations along the DUWAMISH RIVER near Seattle. NOAA’s Damage Assessment and Restoration Program specialists working with Native American tribes and other natural resource trustees will recreate, restore, and preserve over 16 acres of aquatic and nearshore habitat at the former site of Seaboard Lumber. The project site will augment habitat in the last remaining oxbow of the Duwamish River and will serve as a model for future restoration projects in urban industrial waterways. During the past century, approximately 98 percent of salt marshes and tideflats were filled and converted to industrial land in this portion of the lower Duwamish River. The Seaboard Lumber restoration site is the third of nine projects to move forward under the 1991 Elliot Bay/Duwamish Restoration Program (EB/DRP) as part of a Natural Resources Damage Assessment settlement with the City of Seattle and King County Department of Natural Resources. The EB/DRP is administered by NOAA, the City of Seattle, the King County Department of Natural Resources, the Suquamish Tribe, the Muckleshoot Tribe, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Washington Department of Ecology.
- 11/8/98, R. Gregory Nokes of The Oregonian reported that the City of Portland and Portland General Electric are close to an agreement to REMOVE THE UTILITY COMPANY’S 92-YEAR-OLD DAM ON THE LITTLE SANDY RIVER as part of a broad habitat restoration strategy for threatened steelhead. Removal of the dam would open up the Little Sandy River basin for salmon and steelhead, allowing water to flow into a 13-mile stretch, now virtually dry, from the dam to where the Little Sandy meets the Bull Run River. The Bull Run River in turn flows into the Sandy River. Natural waterfalls above the Little Sandy Dam would stop fish from passing higher upstream.
- On 11/19/98, Bill Lindelof of the Scripps-McClatchy News Service reported that three agricultural islands in the Sacramento River’s Yolo Bypass between Rio Vista and Sacramento may someday become part of a NEW NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE. The proposed "North Delta National Wildlife Refuge" would at its core include Prospect, Little Holland and Liberty islands, making up 7,800 acres in Yolo and Solano counties. The islands have been surrounded by levees and farmed this century, but the islands once were rich marshland replenished by periodic overtopping of the Sacramento River. The region was once covered with willows and towering cottonwood. According to the article, at one time more than 250 species of birds and mammals lived in the area. Even today it provides habitat for fish such as the Sacramento splittail, CHINOOK SALMON and Delta smelt. Under the plan, the US Fish and Wildlife Service is close to buying Liberty Island, the Bureau of Reclamation has bought Prospect Island, and the Army Corps of Engineers has been trying to buy the Little Holland tract.
- On 10/20/98, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the American Sportfishing Association’s FishAmerica Foundation (ASA) announced an agreement to RESTORE MARINE FISH HABITATS across the country through effective partnering with local coastal communities. The agreement provides a framework for the two groups to partner in a range of remedies to restore coastal environment and help local communities accomplish meaningful habitat restoration in a cost-effective manner.
This three-year agreement provides the funding and habitat restoration expertise to begin eight kickoff projects throughout the coastal United States. According to Terry Garcia, assistant secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and deputy NOAA administrator:
Restoring marine fish habitat by working directly with the local community provides the best benefit to marine resources for American’s tax dollars. NOAA’s $50,000 coupled with an equal amount from ASA, will result in almost a half million dollars of restoration through in-kind contributions, local donations, and volunteer work.
For further information contact Gordon Helm of NMFS at (301) 713-2370; or Mike Horak of ASA at (703) 519-9691.
- For those interested in Columbia Basin fish news, The COLUMBIA BASIN BULLETIN: Weekly Fish and Wildlife News is an excellent source of information. Supported with Bonneville Power Administration fish and wildlife funds, the electronic WEEKLY NEWSLETTER tracks significant developments related to salmon and steelhead recovery and other important Basin fish and wildlife issues. Activities of the Northwest Power Planning Council, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Indian tribes, federal and state agencies, governors’ offices, Congress, state legislatures, advocacy groups and industry representatives are included.
To subscribe to the bulletin, send an e-mail with a blank subject line to cbb-list-request@majordomo.net. In the body of the e-mail, type the word "subscribe" (the quotation marks are not necessary). Further information and archive editions are also available at http://www.nwppc.org.
- On 10/23/98, the Environmental News Network reported that human activities may not be the cause of NITRATE POLLUTION in some lakes and streams, according to researchers at the University of California, Davis. Instead, weathering bedrock may be the culprit. Nitrate contamination in streams and lakes is considered a serious environmental and human-health issue worldwide. Human activities such as farming and factory pollution have been blamed for the pollution. Excessive nitrate levels can cause massive algae blooms that rob surface waters of oxygen and lead to large fish kills. Furthermore, elevated nitrate levels in drinking water have been implicated in some human cancers as well as an infant blood disorder commonly known as "blue baby syndrome."
EDITOR’S NOTE: We welcome information on habitat news in your area. Information should pertain to habitat of marine, estuarine, or anadromous fish or shellfish. Feel free to fax us newspaper articles, copies of letters, press releases, public hearing notices, etc., to (503) 650-5426. Funding for this publication comes in part from Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this publication, or about our habitat education program, please contact: Stephen Phillips, Editor, Habitat Hotline, 45 SE 82nd Drive, Suite 100, Gladstone, Oregon 97027-2522. Phone: (503) 650-5400, Fax: (503) 650-5426. Messages can also be E-mailed to Stephen_Phillips@psmfc.org. Editorial assistance and layout by Liza Bauman. Printed on 100% recycled post-consumer paper. Date of Issue: 12/4/98.
The Staff of Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
wishes you a joyous holiday season!